
Type: Healthcare

Investor: Taavet Hinrikus

Website: www.certific.co/gb

What is the mission? 

Certific’s mission is to reduce physician admin and elevate patient care. It removes time-consuming, repetitive tasks from the physician’s workload to ensure they spend their time where it matters. Born from the need for remote testing during the Covid-19 pandemic, it has since evolved and offers a real chance to improve the state of medical services.

Who are the founders?

CEO Liis Narusk is the kind of operational leader who gets sh*t done. Her background is in banking and innovation management, leading innovation at SEB Bank before starting her own innovation consultancy in 2016. She has since helped international corporations to develop their ideas from concept to market-ready prototypes, innovating legacy systems and bringing breakthrough ideas to life.

Co-founder Dr Jack Kreindler is a physician, medical technologist and researcher. He has been instrumental in the design, architecture and leadership of a number of healthcare ventures, including CHHP, Sentrian and SafeMMA. He is also an Honorary Research Fellow of Imperial College London, where he works on AI and computational modelling for public health risk prediction.

Why did Taavet get involved?

I started working with Liis and Dr Jack during the Covid pandemic and this led the three of us to become founders of Certific – putting out combines experience of technology, innovation and medicine to work towards a goal of a more efficient medical system. Starting with trusted remote diagnostics and patient care, we need many elements to make remote medicine come alive. And we need remote medicine to make more efficient use of our scarce resources.

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